Press releases
Mennica Skarbowa is observing a recovery in the gold sales market – suggesting a possible return to pre-pandemic Covid-19 sales levels
The recovery in the gold sales market continues. According to forecasts from Mennica Skarbowa’s experts, in the upcoming months, sales of gold products can be expected to increase by several percent compared to last year. One of the important trends that will...
Mennica Skarbowa has become a member of the Northern Chamber of Commerce in Szczecin
Mennica Skarbowa has become a member of the Northern Chamber of Commerce in Szczecin. Every year, the Chamber prepares a rich offer of free and subsidized training courses, consultations, tourist and business trips, cyclical social and integration events for...
Will the cost of gold mining be reflected in an increase in the price of gold bullion products in the next couple of years?
The Polish gold market in 2024 is unlikely to reach record gold sales, but new records may be set for the price of bullion products. It is becoming increasingly expensive to mine it. In December 2023, gold was trading at its highest price ever, and now costs more than...
Poles, if they had PLN 100,000 in savings, would be most likely to invest in real estate, gold and bank deposits
37% of Poles, if they had PLN 100,000 in savings would most willingly choose to invest in real estate, and 9% in gold coins or bars, according to a representative survey conducted by the ARC Rynek i Opinia studio, commissioned by Mennica Skarbowa. Bank deposits and...

Mennica Skarbowa introduces investment diamonds to its portfolio
Mennica Skarbowa, a company listed on the NewConnect market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Poland’s largest dealer of investment gold and other precious metals, is introducing colorless investment diamonds from a proven supplier – Monte Carlo Diam, a member of the...
Mennica Skarbowa has become a Patron of the International Exhibition titled “The Sistine Chapel. Heritage”
Mennica Skarbowa has become a Patron of the Immersion Exhibition entitled "The Sistine Chapel. Heritage". In the course of the cooperation undertaken, the Company plans to issue gold coins and bars with the image of frescoes from the Sistine Chapel. The Sistine Chapel...
Europe recorded lowest level of investment gold purchases since 2008
According to a report published by the World Gold Council, Europe this year recorded the lowest level of investment in gold purchases since 2008. On the one hand, this is a result of f continued high inflation and, on the other hand, banks raising average interest...
Mennica Skarbowa launches a new e-commerce store
Mennica Skarbowa launching a new, more functional online store. The revamped graphic appearance, improved structure, and easier access will help customers acquire information about gold and silver, and enable smoother transactions. The changes implemented are the...

Szymon Marciniak has become an ambassador of Mennica Skarbowa
One of the best football referees in the world - Szymon Marciniak - has become an ambassador of Mennica Skarbowa, the largest company in Poland selling investment gold and other precious metals, a company listed on the NewConnect market, the Warsaw Stock Exchange. As...
Only 14% of Poles appreciated the investment potential of gold – this indicates that there is a huge opportunity for market growth
Only 14% of Poles have ever bought investment gold, according to a representative survey conducted by the ARC Market and Opinion studio on a sample of more than 1,000 Poles, commissioned by Mennica Skarbowa. The most important factors for buyers are the price for the...